Maker Diet Foods
Maker's Diet Food

Foods that Exemplify the Principles of The Maker's Diet


  • Meats and fowl raised organically: beef, lamb, chicken, turkey, duck… (no antibiotics or hormones). Grass-fed meat and fowl is preferable.
  • Game (venison, buffalo, elk).
  • Eggs (at the very least free-range, fertile or organic, but preferably eggs that are high in omega-3 fats).
  • Fish with fins and scales. Deep water ocean fish, not farm-raised. The best ocean fish are salmon, halibut, tuna, cod, sea bass, and sardines (canned sardines packed in water or olive oil but not soy bean oil; look for a fat content of 16-22 grams per serving).
  • Organ meats (liver and heart) only from organic sources.
  • Goat's Milk protein powder (Goatein).


  • Raw, organic/chemical-free butter from goat's milk (milk from grass-fed animals is preferable). Do not heat.
  • Pasteurized goat's milk butter from organically raised animals.
  • Organic extra virgin coconut oil (the best oil for cooking), coconut milk and cream, extra virgin olive oil, unrefined, expeller-pressed; flax seed oil, hemp seed oil, pumpkin seed oil, hazel nut oil. Except for the occasional use of extra virgin olive oil, other liquid oils should not be used for cooking. Olives in water, coconut, and avocado. (To be in this category, all foods should be certified organic, or locally grown, and/or herbicide- and pesticide-free.)


  • Organic, cultured dairy products (yogurt, crème Bulgare, kefir) from whole goat's milk (cultured for 30 hours or more).


  • Filtered, non-carbonated, high mineral or catalyst altered, structured water, meat stocks and vegetable broths, raw vegetable juices, and lacto-fermented beverages.


  • Celtic sea salt, Herbamare, lacto-fermented sauces and condiments, raw homemade salsa, guacamole, homemade salad dressing, apple cider vinegar (look for the words "with the mother" on the label) and organic herbs and spices with no added starches, sugars or stabilizers.


Grains and Starches

  • Certified organic, sprouted or yeast-free sour dough whole grain breads (Ezekial bread, sprouted bread, manna bread, etc.).
  • Soaked non-gluten whole grains and soaked whole grain meals and flours (quinoa, amaranth, millet, buckwheat, and brown rice).


  • Vegetables (raw, frozen or cooked), organic or unsprayed and non-genetically modified are best, including squash (winter and summer), broccoli, artichoke (French not Jerusalem), asparagus, beets, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, celery, cucumber, eggplant, pumpkin, garlic, onion, kale, collard greens, okra, lettuce and greens of all kinds, mushrooms, peas, peppers, string beans, tomatoes, turnips, watercress, sprouts (broccoli, sunflower, pea shoots, etc.). Avoid bean and alfalfa sprouts, corn, potatoes, yams, and sweet potatoes.
  • Unheated lacto-fermented vegetables including sauerkraut.
  • Raw vegetable juices made from recommended vegetables, including wheat grass juice (field grown is preferred). If using commercially grown vegetables, wash the vegetables thoroughly to remove pesticide residues and chemicals.


  • Organic, unsprayed (fresh, frozen or cooked), fully ripened fruits (fruits should be limited to 2 to 3 pieces per day).


  • Raw unheated, unpasteurized honey (in moderation), filtered or unfiltered.

Legumes and Beans

  • Small amounts of the fermented soy product miso (used in soup).

Nuts and Seeds

  • Organic soaked or sprouted nuts and seeds (no cashews or peanuts).
  • Certified organic raw nut and seed butters; organic raw nut and seed flours (no cashews or peanuts).